Access Control in Respresso

Using Respresso, all team members can edit software resource files. This helps you to efficiently collaborate and save time. As we add different team members, we need to limit their ability to edit resources. This is why Respresso has role-based access control. Team and project structure Generally speaking, Respresso groups users into teams. Each team […]

What’s new in Respresso? – 2021 edition

We’re happy to get feedback from our users, as it lets us know where we need to improve Respresso. Now, we collected some of the updates that were inspired by our users. (You can also submit a feature request here or send us your feedback directly to Let’s see them. Zeplin integration In addition […]

In context translation with Respresso

“Yes”, “OK”, “Confirm”, “Proceed”, “Allow”, “Save”. All of these words would fit into a popup as the main button. They have a really different meaning and should be used wisely depending on the context. Using the wrong phrase would cause a distraction for the user and seriously damage your user’s trust. This applies not only […]